Chimney Specialists

Chimneys in regular use will need occasional repair or repointing. Chimneys that are no longer in use can be reduced or blocked off. We have all the relevant brickwork and lead flashing skills to make your chimney stack beautiful and functional for your requirements.

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Chimney Services

Flat Tiles

Repair and Repoint

Full repair service on broken chimneys including repointing eroded mortar.

Slate Tiles

Reduce Stack Height

We can reduce or remove tall chimney stacks that are no longer in use.


Block Off Chimney

Unused chimneys can be blocked off to reduce problems with draughts.

Concrete Tiles

Chimney Cowls

Install a cowl to reduce downdraughts and water ingress in working chimneys.

Get in Touch

To get a quote for a roof installation or to arrange a survey of your existing roof, call 01502 719760, email or fill out our enquiry form: